Tuesday, October 5, 2010

So The Proposal Went A Lil Sumthin Like This.....

Saturday, May 8th, the day before Mother's Day, I received a crazy abundant day of suprise.

As a Public Relations Manager for a subsidary of Run With Me Enterprise called Run Like A Girl Play Like A Girl, I was responsible for transporting the Entertainer of a brunch that I am required and motivated to attend, the Run Like A Girl Play Like A Girl Empowerment Brunch. This brunch occurs every 2nd Saturday of the month, and at this time it occured on Saturday May 8th. I had to be there fairly early, dressed up, and went to bed early around 4ish in the morning because I had to do my hair.

Well needless to say the event was a success...but it wasn't my biggest and exciting part of the day....I could NOT wait to go on a date with my fiance' hubby to an event that caters to women, and be present with him. My fiance' is a creator, he's is technically inclined, and when it comes to his skills in Graphic and Web Design, he's a killer... so so nice with it!!! Well, he designed the website for the event we had planned to attend that evening called Brothers Who Can Cook. It was held in downtown Baltimore at the Grand Hiram (Mason-owned and beautifully maintained), and the event was so spectacular just walking in with him holding his hand knowing that WE were going to have a good time.

See I work a lot, for myself, and for my 9-5 job that I deem TEMPORARY. Also he works a whole lot, around the clock, sometimes hitting the pillow at 4-5 a.m. when his work is done or his release with his X-Box fever settles. I loooooooove going out with him, even if it's for an hour or two...when it's just the two of us. It doesn't happen much, but I love it when it does.

Well, this particular evening I WAS NOT ready for what was to come. To piggy back on some of our "growth periods", he had already proposed to me, three years ago about almost a month after we had started dating. I thought it may have been a bit premature until he professed his love to me OVER THE PHONE when he still lived in New York and I was here in Baltimore. We saw each other on weekends and my daughter (my 8 year old) adored Junior and his family. He was a whole package that I wanted to keep forever and I said YES without even needing to think about it... You know when it's "The ONE " you need to help you grow and become a better person. We decided to have a baby, so I was pregnant in August of 2008 with what he already knew, would be a girl. We had some obstacles within our relationship (hello...the reality is that we didn't know each other like we thought a good 7 months into the relationship) concerning others and my place and priority and comfort level, and we ironed it out eventually and he proposed to me in person again with a diamond band (beautiful band!)and again, just as the first time, I was touched, giddy and keeping my nails done to show it off like I do now.

Fast forwarding three years later to the event this past May, this man had the audacity to not be "available" at the event for me. All you heard from people was "Brotha Junior, can you come here for a minute?" and he'd zip out on me!! I was getting annoyed because I felt that EVERYONE had his FULL attention in all the late, late nights he stayed up and did the web and graphic work for every piece of cardstock up in that event. This was "our time"...right? So I luckily hooked up with a table of sistas I know in the community that attended and we all sat together after eating some of the yummiest vegan and vegetarian foods from some of the most talented, handsome (no I'm not blind and neither is my fiance') brothas in Bmore and out of state! Well we went to the Neo Soul lounge where there was a live band, a beautiful sista by the name of Ama Chandra (www.amachandra.com) who can SANG!!!! and this is a huge, three story building. I looked up and there was a balcony full of people looking down enjoyin the music my girl was putting down! Then, while I'm all into her orgianal song "I Shouldn't Have Let You Kiss Me", she calls up a "special lady" in the house...and says..."Tanisha"...well I'm looking around because in Baltimore, people's mothers are unoriginal enough to name their daughters Tanisha spelled 12 different ways...surely there was another one named Tanisha up in there...

Then my girls at the table are tellin me to go up so I turned my back to Ama and asked them "what do ya'll know? I'm serious girls.... what do you know?" Well, I'll let the vid tell you the rest when I get my hands on it! It still gives me butterlflies!!!!

Till next time...

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